Dagens Cathy Thorne

Dagens Cathy Thorne

Dagens Cathy Thorne

Dagens Cathy Thorne

Dagens Cathy Thorne

Dagens Cathy Thorne

Dagens Cathy Thorne

Dagens Cathy Thorne

Dagens Cathy Thorne

Dagens Cathy Thorne

Dagens Cathy Thorne

Dagens Cathy Thorne

Cathy Thorne
Cathy Thorne va något jag halkade in på en kväll när jag satt och surfade.
Hon gör fantastiska och enkla cartoons som tilltalar mig.
"With the pure simplicity of her cartoons and a piece of sharp pencil, Cathy Thorne unmasks ironically and merciless the deepest and hidden thoughts of contemporary women.
In the short comments to those tiny drawings, she touches upon the heavy subjects such as body image, relationships, motherhood, gender differences, career."

Hon gör fantastiska och enkla cartoons som tilltalar mig.
"With the pure simplicity of her cartoons and a piece of sharp pencil, Cathy Thorne unmasks ironically and merciless the deepest and hidden thoughts of contemporary women.
In the short comments to those tiny drawings, she touches upon the heavy subjects such as body image, relationships, motherhood, gender differences, career."